Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Friday, September 29, 2006

    Writer's Blog

    Ha. I finally blog... So much has been happening for this entire week man... actually 2 weeks. So perhaps I should start with last night. Been fretting over school work again. But its a joy I guess. So I went star bucks with Ms Chan and ended up seeing this big Cow come over. Mr Phan I've not seen you for ages and suddendly it hits me again when he say..

    I'm earning 3750 a month and thats not enough... its a new poor.

    Gosh i so want to beat him up..but well.. To each his won prioirites I guess. Its been a exciting journey thus far. I'm thrilled.

    Monday, September 18, 2006


    AH!!! I'm just so glad.. so glad.. Its a great experience to go through this book.....

    Sunday, September 17, 2006

    Deep trouble ahead?

    I'm stuck.. again.. Thats the problem with me.. think too much and I can't write.. maybe thats why you seem so good for me.. I think you write.. but more than that.. I can't seem to focus.. and when I am stressed I become a bad boy.. Amazing Grace again.. how I take that for granted... If yer reading this.. pray for me..

    1. for focus on my work.
    2. To repent of my sins.
    3. For rest.

    Oh Lord...

    Thursday, September 14, 2006

    Writer's Block

    I'm so tired of reading... but that seems to be just me... I can speed read.. yes, I can analyze and think yes! But I just don't have the discipline to properly get down to work.. which is why I am blogging now. Remembered my school days.. I would study in spurts... and wow.. maybe I'm waiting for spurts to come now..

    I want to go back to sit by the sea.. and enjoy nature... Oh Lord.. Grant me discipline.. a lot of it.. or maybe at least a little will power.

    Wednesday, September 13, 2006

    The Change

    Perhaps... perhaps I need to explain the change... So I pondered.. whats this nick.. what's the history behind the name AmazingBiscuit? It was first given to me by this huge guy called Moo dean from Parts in YFC. Cause Melvin literally sounds like Miao (amazing) Bing (biscuit). So well it stuck.. he said I could do amazing things. So as I reflected I realised that like a biscuit, I would be broken... my life that is.. and all I have. A broken spirit and a contrite heart as it says..and just like that I was reminded of the amazingness of Grace. How Christ came down to die on the cross which speaks volumes of what GOD has done for humanity. The crux of the Gospel is in Luke-Acts at the end of each was the fulfilment of what God has planned for humanity on the cross. Truly it is a miracle, and more than that of a religion of teachings, but God's entire plan understood by Luke and told to all.

    "Therefore I want you to know that God's salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!" Acts 28:28

    Father you are amazing... How marvelous, how wonderful is my saviors love for me!

    Tuesday, September 12, 2006


    Woo... thats my strength.. according to the book by Marcus Buckingham.. The rest of my strengths include, connectedness, adaptability, communication and strategic. Haha.. Woo.. What a strenght but perhaps it is.. Not too bad.. I think they got it quite accurately.. only problem is the philosophy of this book.. I don't agree with just working on strengths. Perhaps these are just skills given by God, I got so much to work on in my life and I know that my God is refining me....
    " Teach me, O LORD, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end.
    Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart.
    Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.
    Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain.
    Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word"

    Monday, September 11, 2006

    The Long Walk

    So My PCG decided to go for a long walk today... sigh.. its tiring I told myself.. and the flu is bad. But gey lets go lah.. And so I went.. dragging my feet along. And we walked and walked and walked and walked somemore.. OK you go the picture. a whopping 11 km up slopes and all ( I reckon it was further than that) Then we came to the tower which no one wanted to climb cause it was too high.And I ran up.. to catch some nice views and enjoyed the breeZe. There were quite nice pictures to take and I Thank God that he made them all....

    Reality though.. got tons of work left.. still struggling to finish off. My 4 most pressing ones are

    1. My OT theology paper
    2. My CTL Paper
    3. My exegesis test.
    4. BS for Wed.

    Oh God I really need that concentration... pHew!

    Sunday, September 10, 2006


    Kuriya... hmmm... Jap food is not exactly my fav... but ever since knowing Derek and Julie... it has slowly climbed.... had this really full meal.. (Ms Julie has this way of fattening me up) haha.. the chawan mushi was one of the best I've eaten. I'm glad for friends who share... who share their lives, for someone older to guide and affirm. Julie has really been blessing me and Siping, with many things. It really is an encouragement. Inspite of her issues and all, she has really allowed me and Siping to be encouraged by her generosity and Christian love. I spent the rest of the evening, reading, and blogging.. Oh Lord this is going to be one tough week. The flu and throat is not helping either.. phew..


    At first it was 12, then it became 8 then 6 overnighters..... But well.. I think it was good for our group to just simply hang out.. spend lots of time with each other. It started off a bit crazy though.. Wendy was late.. (Though by no falut of hers) then we tried to catch a cab.. but as usual this was Punggol and there were no cabs.. So we called for one.. which came at 1224 and the boat was set to sail at 1230. Wow. So we got out of the cab, made a sprint to the jetty. Phew.. made it but never wanna do that again.

    The rest of the day was good, spent a lot of time cycling and bringing the group around Ubin. I love that place. It was muddier than usual cause of the rain but never the less it was fun.

    We played cards and celebrated a rather belated Birthday for Wendy with a cheese Tic-Tac Cake before Denise and Mel had to leave. Then it was time for the BBQ. The BESTEST ever. Probably cause the food was all prepared and the guys made an excellent fire. So good that all our good was cooked nicely and quickly.. yum. Spent the night fellowshiping over cards and watched the film "I am Sam" with Nick. Loved that show and the reminder of how much my heavenly father loves me.

    We took time in the morning to read and do devotions. Indeed God has made this small group special. May we be good testimonies and ever-relying on God.

    Friday, September 08, 2006

    12 hours in school

    SO I spent 12 hours today.. in school till dark. Thank God I finished 1 more paper and in the midst of another. Phew. So I ran again.. Just 1 lap round the gardens, alone.. but much faster at least 2.5 mins. haha. But not as nice lah. It rained just as I stepped into school. Thank you Lord, you heard my prayer. So school was quiet and I spent the time watching a bit of TV, reading blomberg.. and only ate my dinner at 10.
    I teared on the way back. Listening to Brian Doerksen. Matt: quotes Isaiah "In his name, the nations will put their hope..." in Matt12:21.

    How true indeed... Nothing in this world can I place my hope in except in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And it was at the point of humanity when he died and rose again, becoming the living hope for all to see.

    "You are the hope living in us, you are the rock in whom we trust
    You are the light, Shining for all the world to see
    You rose from the dead conquering fear, our prince of peace drawing us near.
    Jesus our hope, living for all who will receive, Lord we believe. "

    Thursday, September 07, 2006


    dragged myself out of bed... Oh Lord.. I just want to sleep and do up my work. BUT alas its kids in missions programme so well.. I took a train ride with my brother this morning. interesting cause its the first time in a few years. Sorry.. didn't mean to be so negative.

    So back to the day.. I spent most of if with Nick.. chatting, learning new stuff about the sound board. Chatting about cars, er. relationships? And the kids were nice. its always nice to have some one pull your shirt and says... "Hey I know you!" Or calls you "Uncle melvin"
    after that, we ended up at the Chinese restaurant for dinner again. I'm so tired. Really tired.... Yawn

    Wednesday, September 06, 2006

    That wonderful Day

    Thursday.. oh Thursday. I always remember what it was like studying with you the first time in school.I would sit with my laptop and we'd watch movies during our break.. We would go buy western food and coffee and carry on our readings. Now its different i guess we've moved to the a different place.. my school. I really pray that it would be yours though. It was good to push through the readings.

    So we'd finished.... well almost and went for that run... I love to run with you.Running that race you see is even better with someone you love. I think it was you who got me running again. The next lap is going to be tough.. kinda pondering about the talk

    So we ate at TB and finally settled down at Macs west coast and I enjoyed that potent concoction of Milo and an ice cream cone mixed. haha.. I always love to eat with you.. We prayed and prayed and committed it to God's hands. We trust in thee...

    A Drive in a yellow van

    So I took a long drive in the big yellow van. Ok not that big.. but I love it. Diesels are my favourite.. lorries, pickups and vans. Always felt more comfortabl driving one, parking one and its sllwer pace keeps me safe. To the beach I went.. O how I love being there.. listening to the waves.... I rested and read. Was so tired actually that I fell asleep on the bench waking up to see this....

    Nothing spectacular but it was a great rest. So i digested my book. Interesting how Nick writes. "Its not about telling about Jesus, but simply sharing and clarifying" Truly many stay with world views that Contradict. Truly Jesus is the answer. 1 Peter 3:15 reminds me of the hope that I have been given and I want to share it.

    I know my redeemer lives, I know my redeemer lives
    Let all creation testify, this life within me cries
    I know my redeemer lives!!!

    Tuesday, September 05, 2006


    This is probably a little over due.. Its come one full circle I guess... After leading at CM Sunday it was time to go back to what I love most. The BASS! I had a great time leading with Eric, he's really got a heart for God. Some how was rather sad that I never managed to connect with the kids as well as Roger did. O well....
    Something struck me.. As I observed the team practice for the Kids-in-missions. How far has CM grown. Not that technically we are superior and more disciplined in musicality, but the focus of worship. Always wondered why people like to classify the worship segment into Praise as fast songs and Worship as slow songs? Is there a need? After all we need to remember who we are worshipping.

    Thanks to Da jie who gave me that book by RON OWENS. You never know how much it impacted me.
    Father grant me the humility to serve you... the removal of pride.
    Indeed through all that I do, may you be glorified.

    Saturday, September 02, 2006

    A Sumptous meal

    Linda is a Great cook.. Sigh I wish I had taken pictures. I was so bloated after tonight. The bacon with Asparagus, the cheese with mushroom and the bread was simply divine.

    Father I thank you for these group of friends I have made during the trip to Cambodia. Indeed they have been such joy to me. I thank you for your word today for affirming me as I prepare for worship. God I know you are working in me for my good. Perhaps its about time. I'm going to find Andre on Wednesday. To sit down and talk.. talk about my future.

    So i sat with my lady, and we prayed.. we prayed for courage. Because there are just so many uncertainties, her parents, my parents. What can we do but trust in you? Teach us to be humble too, to be your vessels of love to your people.

    Friday, September 01, 2006


    What a lovely sun today. Thank God...Had a really great time visiting Sentosa today, even though it was for work... But hey! its great fun.. Another day spending with Siping planning the amazing race for the Kids camp. Come to think of it, the last time I was there was to plan for the race too! How nostalgic.... I think its going to be really exciting. Gosh my brain juices are overflowing as I speak.

    After which was a visit to the UCC (another nostalgic place) to watch the dance synergy;s concert. It was rather interesting though I felt the unpolished ones in the past were better. The Belgium pianist was good though... but it became a piano concert...
    I'm trying Lord to watch myself, for you know the desires in my heart..

    "This is my life, this is my song,I'll give it to you, no matter the cost.
    This is my heart, that seeks after you, Lord help me love more like you do."