Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Monday, October 13, 2008

    Maybe I can comment

    Its a start of a new week and how things change ever so quickly and I can just anticipate things happening even more. But first I'd better clarify myself.

    Most people ask me why am I so Jeremiahish, and If I really want to walk to road. Well.. I realise wished I didn't have to. because I rather the leaders see things. The point of Jermiah wasn't about him being this pitiful guy, its about.. God and the people. Jeremiah was only the one helping to speak. I don't think I am defaming anyone. I mean... why not you see things? I've been lamenting, very much like Psalms and the prophetic books. If you think I defame someone, why not go and check it out yourself? I am not perfect and saying all these things does not make me far superior than you, nor anyone. It is in the ALL verse. the verse which goes in Romans 3:23. (Most would rather quote John 3:16 or Jeremiah 29:13 which only serves to prove my point.)

    I think my words have hurt countless people, but they were said in love. (Don't tell me about the aftermath should be nicer.) People are inconsistent in their thinking and ideas far often jumping around and when quizzed further don't know what they are doing. Well, If anyone thinks I've offended, fine, you can sue me. But really what profit can you gain? Unlike the great leaders in the church, I am but a small fry, with no money of possessions, not that I intend to keep or know that I can keep. But if you persist, then do that. But I will not be afraid to be what a certain person is called, "Troubler". Perhaps Bono said, "Am I buggin' ya? Don't mean to Bug yA."


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