Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Sunday, September 10, 2006


    At first it was 12, then it became 8 then 6 overnighters..... But well.. I think it was good for our group to just simply hang out.. spend lots of time with each other. It started off a bit crazy though.. Wendy was late.. (Though by no falut of hers) then we tried to catch a cab.. but as usual this was Punggol and there were no cabs.. So we called for one.. which came at 1224 and the boat was set to sail at 1230. Wow. So we got out of the cab, made a sprint to the jetty. Phew.. made it but never wanna do that again.

    The rest of the day was good, spent a lot of time cycling and bringing the group around Ubin. I love that place. It was muddier than usual cause of the rain but never the less it was fun.

    We played cards and celebrated a rather belated Birthday for Wendy with a cheese Tic-Tac Cake before Denise and Mel had to leave. Then it was time for the BBQ. The BESTEST ever. Probably cause the food was all prepared and the guys made an excellent fire. So good that all our good was cooked nicely and quickly.. yum. Spent the night fellowshiping over cards and watched the film "I am Sam" with Nick. Loved that show and the reminder of how much my heavenly father loves me.

    We took time in the morning to read and do devotions. Indeed God has made this small group special. May we be good testimonies and ever-relying on God.


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