Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Friday, October 17, 2008

    Sunday Bloody Sunday! (no More! No More! as Bono cries)

    What to say.. nothing I guess... Am I keeping my mouth shut? well I guess I would for now... (though this is not really a voice.) Why would I be doing this? Partly cause it is no use and no one would understand... what channels? But I'm doing this not because I really want this job.. because I still want to think about the kids first.. So Hence.. I shall not put anymore things up...

    So everyone.. have a happy Happy Christmas... Remember to give lots of presents, feast lotsa turkey, go on more holidays and enjoy all the Christmas Joy and Cheer!


    Blogger YapYap said...

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    10:47 AM  
    Blogger YapYap said...

    Whoever it is that is harassing the writer of this blog is probably 1) an atheist or ) someone who obviously doesn't know how to use youtube 3) knows how to use youtube but is afraid to know the contents 4)is afraid to find out more of what really has been said. 5) afraid of what has been said would damage the position that their are in.

    either way, its sad that he has to give in to such a threat/persuasion what ever you may call it.

    10:48 AM  
    Blogger Fallen Angel said...

    To the author:

    Freewill is a great gift from God and is to be exercised responsibly.

    To yapyap


    4:20 PM  
    Blogger YapYap said...

    To Fallen Angel,

    You are presuming that I presumed...Right I presumed. So did you. And your point?

    And as you said it too, freewill, its a gift and its to be exercised responsibily..... I agree on that too.

    Now take that the other way round and see how it applies to either parties, see where this is leading too.

    Could you be the person who is the one who said all these things to him? Hence decidingly to join blogspot this month to comment on this?

    Again this is a presumption which you could of course tell me that it is.

    10:26 AM  
    Blogger Fallen Angel said...

    To Yapyap

    Glad you agree that freedom should be exercised responsibly." it applies to either parties."? Well my mother says: Just becasue someone eats shit does not mean that you have to eat it too.....

    Many presume that Jesus died, was buried but never rose again...

    4:36 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Jeremiah was compelled by the Lord to Speak.... he was sad because the words he said would hurt the people, his people, yet he had to. He didn't have any free will in this case. When God in his free will speaks the things which scolds the people, we usually don't want to hear!

    Free will is over rated. Because When God makes his free will choice to condemn, we hate it. Yet we think we can choose God. No one compells you to eat shit, but its the evilness in man who causes him to eat shit.

    10:23 PM  

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