Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    This is it?

    Well.... the call was gonna come anyway.. So I kinda expected it. Always wondered and perhaps felt what Marilyn Manson (OOh no! How could you say that cursed guys name? that evil goth guys name? See he is propogating such vulgar people, such satanic person's teachings.) .. said in bowling for columbine is often true. when quizzed on what he would say or ask the two teens who did what they did, (Murder kill) He simply replied.. "No I wouldn't ask them anything, I will prefer to listen and hear them."

    Well.. Shouldn't bear my heart and my soul... but really he who has seen me... and seen the worse.. I'm not afraid. Actually There is a dying question which mr GL told me that I was going to rock the boat. BUt well.. lets rock it... You use recycled paper for a certain magazine which focuses on earth issues and tips on saving the earth, yet 1 great tip is left out.... Can you guess?

    Basically... whats up with fuel guzzlers like land cruisers and all that sort of thing? Isn't that worse? but well better not offend. "Those who can afford these, are those who cannot be offended."

    Also.. I guess Jesus can be whacked left right by pharisees, well cause they thought he was small and useless, but most people don't hit out at the big shots.. for fear of offence.. Well.. how?

    I'll let you know the result tomorrow about the blog... I may have to make it private.. looks like the adventures are coming to an end...


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