Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Friday, September 29, 2006

    Writer's Blog

    Ha. I finally blog... So much has been happening for this entire week man... actually 2 weeks. So perhaps I should start with last night. Been fretting over school work again. But its a joy I guess. So I went star bucks with Ms Chan and ended up seeing this big Cow come over. Mr Phan I've not seen you for ages and suddendly it hits me again when he say..

    I'm earning 3750 a month and thats not enough... its a new poor.

    Gosh i so want to beat him up..but well.. To each his won prioirites I guess. Its been a exciting journey thus far. I'm thrilled.


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