Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Monday, October 02, 2006

    Many thoughts...too many to list

    Hmm.. So What have I been doing... Spending time reading and studying at coffee places... Kinda still deciding on which one is better.. I love the taste of spinellis but starbucks has some pretty good stuff too. And its easier to read at spinellis. Anyway it has been a very intense weekend for me. The question on my mind is on worship and prayer. So many unanswered questions....

    I'm really questioning a lot of stuff... What is enjoying worship? is it really about enjoyment? What is prayer cover? More prayer more powerful? I feel that the Christian faith has gone so shallow, its becoming a one which is focusd on god's love... On solving my tiny issues on this earth. Sigh. Perhaps I can be a Christian and love this world too. A Segmented Christianity. And sigh the interpretation of the word too has gone awry. Why can't we be serious about it? to really think carefully and not inject our own ideas into it. I guess those who have heard me would know what I mean...

    God you are the only one.. the great "I am" not a santa Clause with many names which I call out depending on my circumstance. I want to just trust you alone.. not with answered prayers, not with miracles but a trust based on faith and all that you have done.

    I will worship, with all of my heart
    And I will praise You, with all of my strength
    I will seek You, All of my days
    And I will follow, All of Your ways (echo)

    I will bow down , Hail you as King

    I will serve You, Give You everything
    I will lift up , My eyes to Your throne
    I will trust You , Trust You alone

    I will give You all my worship
    I will give You all my praise
    You alone I long to worship
    You alone are worthy of my praise

    Worship of the living God is essentially an engagement with him on the terms that he proposes and in the way that he alone makes possible. David Peterson


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