Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Tuesday, September 30, 2008

    its been 3 months

    Its been 3 months....... CENSORED ...........But first some frustrations.

    1. I really don't know where I am heading

    2. Money Matters
    Gosh at this point, I think.. Its really sad


    3. Ministry
    I really don't


    After all.... Jesus is not a Christian God.. he is Lord of all..

    Monday, September 29, 2008

    herbie hancock - hang up your hang ups

    HAHA excellent... Now I've got a vinyl of this... kudos to kell for getting me this.. and of course the other tracks.. now I gotta find a place to convert it

    Tuesday, September 23, 2008

    James Randi on West 57th Street - Faith Healing 2/2

    Sigh one more.. should trace the history of this...

    James Randi on West 57th Street - Faith Healing 1/2

    Sunday, September 21, 2008

    John Mayer - Why Georgia

    This is for you MR CHAN HAORAN.... missing you when you play that riff... we'll jam when you get back..

    Benny Hinn, false miracles and greediness (1 of 5)

    Benny Hinn, false miracles and greediness (2 of 5)

    Benny Hinn, false miracles and greediness (3 of 5)

    Benny Hinn, false miracles and greediness (4 of 5)

    Benny Hinn, false miracles and greediness (5 of 5)

    Enjoy..... SIgh.. FIRE? any one? YMLC MOre fire??? Where did you learn to claim from? Sigh you guys... sigh... but I better shut up.. don't wanna offend or I will be against authority..

    Friday, September 19, 2008

    half-hearted run

    HMmmm.. I just got back from my run........ Its been a while. I guess things have been changing and well.. the start to ministry hasn't been as expected... Its as the old cliche goes... like a race. Its time where you almost want to quit... to say that whats's the point. I don't really even know why I can't focus at all.. These things here don't energize me at all...

    Then again its my fault... If I had made a choice earlier and Censored would have been a whole lot easier. But would it? I've been forced to go against the bible. Man shall not live by bread alone ... unfortunately most of these days I've been sticking to that diet... cause I'm not really paid much and so well.. what to do? I have to do what is needed.


    Paula White's Heretical Lies

    One of my favourite beliefs... He became poor so that you will become rich... great.. Now tell me why I took up this job for?

    Mighty To Save

    One of the most controversial and badly written songs ever written.. I know I am going to get slammed for this but hey.. this is what you get for grabbing lyrics. Check the first verse

    Everyone needs compassion
    A love that's never failing
    Let mercy fall on me

    Hmmmm Mercy on me when you talk about compassions.. I mean really what is the purpose of this song? A worship song or a feel good song or what? is it about proclaiming? Where does that catchy lyrics of saviour he can move a mountain come from? and then they tie it with mighty to save? I mean aren't we all saved at this point? I really don't know what this song is talking about... really...

    supernature - cerrone

    Random post..... this was the cheesy song used during Dance synergy's performance... ooh.. Super nature. realised I have quite a bit of his stuff... yummy..

    Sad But Funny Church Moments of False Prophets Deceiving

    Hmmmm... not funny....

    Wednesday, September 17, 2008


    Do you believe in coolness? Well... I simply don't.... Just had a conversation with someone who commented about my chair having the plastic over it.. hmmmm its so uncool... thats what she said. So well in my usual fashion I said " What's cool anyway? I don't believe in it. (YES ALLIE as much as you keep saying it.) So she kept insisting that this was not cool... So well I said It doesn't matter because the word cool is based on one's own opinion. As such, there is no point. So she kept saying Jesus is cool.. I said he is not... cause everyone hated him... So She said he was unique... (See the problem it went from popularity to the idea of unique). So of course my final stand was if Jesus is unique and he is cool.. then Since I am the only one with the plastic on my chair then I AM THE COOLEST.

    Gosh.. what's wrong with these people? Cannot think? I mean seriously. the minute something becomes cool.. it becomes uncool because every one wants to be it... Whats the point?

    THink about it..

    Tuesday, September 16, 2008

    Prophetic Rewind 2007 (Kim Clement)

    excellent..... this merely proves his falsehood... he was trained as classical pianist who became a rock musician...

    False Prophet: Kim Clement

    Great... one more prophet... another person who claims......

    Monday, September 15, 2008

    I confess

    This probably is a prayer that should have been prayed long ago...... Yet...... it seems strange to pray it.

    "Dear Lord............ .................. ....................... I've nothing to say which is wierd because I speak so much and I speak to much. But in front of you.... I am humbled quietened for there is nothing to say. You know my heart... the vileness of it. The thoughts that rage in my head, the bondages that hold me. You know my innermost being, the various things done in your name, yet the various intentions behind them. Lord, I know myself... andyet i don't know... I can only pray for grace as I seek to see my faults and blindspots. Father I remember the challenge to be faithful, yet how difficult it is to be faithful when being certain of the uncertain is there. Lord, how difficult it is to love when the minute a harsh word comes out it becomes that of hate. Yet You hate us....... and you loved us. Lord I don't really want theology anymore.... I only want to know that as much as I try, I cannot speak enough. My mind is finite, my words are few, my actions are condemning me. So i can only rely on you. Thus lord, lead my life each day into surrender, into something more than passion and obssession as the world sees it, lead me to understand your steadfast love and what that entails. Lord I will and want to continue to remember your goodness and faithfulness and I want to endure the pain that comes from sharing you with others. I want to forsake my sinful ways.

    Lord that is my desire, despite of its faults and its imperfection. Oh Lord Help me walk through the narrow path that follows after the narrow gate that i may come to know you.....

    I come to you in Jesus name... Amen

    Friday, September 12, 2008

    more thoughts over the week

    Hmmm.. Am I happily settled? I don't know... But some thoughts as the days went by.... Happy ones I guess... I really enjoyed the time with nick and sam today even with little Glen.. Just simply playing and making music... yet somehow all these were meaningless when they ended...

    I'm in a rather pessimistic mood over church these days...


    thats fine.. at least I know I am that sinner.. struggling in sin till the end of my days... yet reliant only upon his grace.

    Monday, September 08, 2008


    I woke up this morning feeling tired... I tiredness I've not felt in a long while..Been having dreams.. of fighting things... and issues with the church. I'm feeling tired but.. I just should go sleep later tonight.. get the rest then head back to more dreary stuff..



    Wednesday, September 03, 2008

    Painful thoughts... but Jesus said it'll get worse

    Perhaps another person you should look out for is Winnie Banov and youn can just youtube this... This is really very bad. She uses a lot of analogy and terms... and thats the way they interpret the bible too... She is linked up with IHOP and alot of the others including Heidi Baker and all those terms. Sigh.. Its one which I cannot say..against. I wanted to post the video.. but It can't. She says there is an abscence of evil is a miracle. And I am very sure CENSORED might hit on to her including John Crowder too. Cause he talks about rebuking the Jezebelic spirit and even mentions John Wesley. So well.. It is a very sad thing.. i'm standing alone in this and i doubt anyone would want to take a strong stand with me.. After all God is love isn't it? and he is not the wicked God found in traditional churches who does not have extravagant love right?

    Check out hte current conference with performances for your entertainment. Check out Censored which places academic excellence to the point tt kids can't come to service unless they study 20hrs a week. this is so that they will be able to be good testimonies. They don't believe that you can love God and do badly. Why is this all tied to results? (even during the cappers camp we don't address this.) Perhaps man have not understood failure? Why? that means there is no room for those who are mentally challenged? All those from RI can attend service and be leaders? Is this the sole focus of the Gospel?

    Most people say we gotta love God first, place him first. I totally disagree I don't place God first. because ABOVE AND BELOW HIM THERE IS NOTHING ELSE. Its as though you can make a choice for such things and decide yourself. I am very tired.. very tired of arguing what worship is about. But I can't say anymore.. people will choose it themselves. I want to give up on this .... Its so deeply embedded.. I've fought and I have lost.. MUSIC is now the better term to use over worship. We do the token lets not sing with music but whats going on?

    Lord... how do I worship thee?

    John Crowder-Ecstasy Of GOD 1

    This guy is even more whacked.. by well.. some would believe in him... so what can I say... good teachings right?

    Monday, September 01, 2008


    Cordial.. or how cordial can you be? mix it with too much water and it becomes too dilute and if you mix it too little it becomes too diabetic. I'm in a very cordial stage of relations with those close to me....

    What can I do? If I say it too strongly, its wrong... I mean it seems as though everyone is entitled to their own opinions.. and own opinions of church. The argument is thus that since we don't know anything we cannot be too quick to judge.

    Sigh every one reads things so fast....I mean that whole Isaiah 40:18 is so cliched until they realise that everytime God comforts, one must not take it as a stand alone thing. It comes after God has been offended and showed his wrath..

    I'm very passionate about truth.. especially when it comes to salvation. its not an issue to be take lightly. I mean this my hope Singapore thing is a good idea conceptially but I really thing if you look back at the Billy Graham crusade in 1978, How many people are still around as Christians? I mean are we really saved when we confess. (Don't just point out one verse..)

    I don't believe in rededication at all.. It merely shows they were not Christians. (Yes I am rather calvinistic and realistic.. but I am not a calvinist or armnian) Guys wake up.. Do you really thing that you are saved simply because you know Jesus and call him? Its not you knowing Jesus that matters.. Does he know you? Many will call him Lord Lord, and he will say Away from me evil doers, I do not know you.


    OF COURSe.. I am going to be so misunderstood in this post again.. but thats the price I'll pay... Jeremiah did that too...