Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Wednesday, September 03, 2008

    Painful thoughts... but Jesus said it'll get worse

    Perhaps another person you should look out for is Winnie Banov and youn can just youtube this... This is really very bad. She uses a lot of analogy and terms... and thats the way they interpret the bible too... She is linked up with IHOP and alot of the others including Heidi Baker and all those terms. Sigh.. Its one which I cannot say..against. I wanted to post the video.. but It can't. She says there is an abscence of evil is a miracle. And I am very sure CENSORED might hit on to her including John Crowder too. Cause he talks about rebuking the Jezebelic spirit and even mentions John Wesley. So well.. It is a very sad thing.. i'm standing alone in this and i doubt anyone would want to take a strong stand with me.. After all God is love isn't it? and he is not the wicked God found in traditional churches who does not have extravagant love right?

    Check out hte current conference with performances for your entertainment. Check out Censored which places academic excellence to the point tt kids can't come to service unless they study 20hrs a week. this is so that they will be able to be good testimonies. They don't believe that you can love God and do badly. Why is this all tied to results? (even during the cappers camp we don't address this.) Perhaps man have not understood failure? Why? that means there is no room for those who are mentally challenged? All those from RI can attend service and be leaders? Is this the sole focus of the Gospel?

    Most people say we gotta love God first, place him first. I totally disagree I don't place God first. because ABOVE AND BELOW HIM THERE IS NOTHING ELSE. Its as though you can make a choice for such things and decide yourself. I am very tired.. very tired of arguing what worship is about. But I can't say anymore.. people will choose it themselves. I want to give up on this .... Its so deeply embedded.. I've fought and I have lost.. MUSIC is now the better term to use over worship. We do the token lets not sing with music but whats going on?

    Lord... how do I worship thee?


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