Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Saturday, August 30, 2008


    aboutI've just gotten a release from being a worship leader for CM Sunday. Frankly I've no joy whatsoever in participating in this whole thing called worship. I'm now in-charged of the band which would well fit what we are doing any way since this is singing songs and I've been told to be flexible which man has always been flexible with worship.. or should I say too flexible.

    Look I've done all I can, I'll do whatever I can... I'll do it untill I die. I'll probably just do finish whatever i promised. I'll try to be joyful and pretend everything is ok then quit when I finish this bond. Fine... perhaps cease to be a Christian.... I don't want to be part of this whole "Christian" Set up.. this organizational mega structure. As I said before... You think I am harsh, You think I am loving. But really I am loving you thats why I say all these things. Thats cause no one is 'loving' enough to say all these... Thats fine...

    Oh by the way go check out IHOP.. gosh... I've been doing my research.. there are really some serious issues to be brought up... Censored Get ready for Thursday.... I'm going in....

    Friday, August 29, 2008

    The Real Meaning of the Cross (Paul Washer)

    Contrast this with Prince's sermon.. Is repentance merely changing your mind that the law is no use and now you believe in Christ? Or perhaps realising the sorry state that you are in, needing him because there is NO OTHER WAY? You decide...

    Will The Real Christianity Please Stand Up?

    Hmmmmm contrast this with the other sermon by Paul washer. make your choice?

    Fine Linen For Cool Service

    his technique is subtle this one.... True God is working in us but read on the rest of the passage... God works in us yet we are working this out with reverance and awe... but the point is how does this link to the fine linen? He distracts the mind from seeing one clear flow of thought simply by taking a verse to make it a principle.. This is very sad

    Fine Linen For Cool Service

    Another load of rubbish.. You mean we would have regretted? if we didn't know tha we can get prosperity? God wants us to be blessed. God quick bless me... Please.. People Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the earth.

    Grace Flows In Worry-Free Areas Of Your Life


    I think we better look at this... We'll discuss this when we meet again.


    Wednesday, August 27, 2008

    The False Revival (comparison)

    These guys have made a joke of Christianity... but well.. its fine.. many people ting it is alright even my church.. So let the First burn.. and burn and burn...

    Co-Pastor Darlene Bishop - Giving Birth To Your Desires

    Quick Get me a woman to birth my desires. How How? Reminds of a certain Mrs Lim...

    HOLYFIRE.Benny Hinn /Paula White / Steve Brock / Judy Jacobs

    I should start attending these things because it works and many people are being annointed... I need that power soon or I really cannot take it anymore.. I think its easier to do all thats there... Yes.. !!!

    Can You Dig It? 1 - Paula White Woman Thou Art Loosed

    If i can get his prescence evoked in my life.. Because if i got a minstrel then i get in the mode of worship. How does this work? How does worship work? my goodness... Well every believes in that.. I'm sorry i don't worship in church anymore..

    Paula White's First Fruits Scam Part 2

    Not bad.... thats one way.. maybe i should try then I can begin to prosper

    Tuesday, August 26, 2008


    Why am I even blogging when I got tons of work to do..? Well... I'm having a slight brain drain.. How do I go about doing the lesson plan.
    Maybe I'm just not cut out for this.. and yah the whole idea of worship again.. My buttons are being pressed.. If I even believe in this.What am I called for? Can someone remind me again? I need to know God... i need to know. Cause the things around me don't seem to make sense nor does it say.. yes this is what you should be doing..

    What is it that is required? How much must it take? I'm just wondering how long must I last to do this. seeing every one else's life. Wo2 hao3 xian4 mu4 wo3.. But Why I am stuck here.. Why even when Stuck here I have to go through this. I'm already feeling tired.. But what to do.. i can't even eat properly because I need to save... Its like army again... But well.. Will continue to grit my teeth and bare through this all..After All.. he bore the full brunt of it, refusing the wine soaked sponge to numb the senses..

    22They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha (which means The Place of the Skull). 23Then they offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it. 24And they crucified him. Dividing up his clothes, they cast lots to see what each would get.

    Michael W. Smith - You Are Holy (Prince of Peace)

    i've been listening to this.....a lot

    Saturday, August 23, 2008


    Had a good lunch with Mimi and Fifi (Thanks!) on Friday. The week has been busy.. but not as bad as last week. i think Im beginning to get the hang of things here in Church. Really, I think i want to do all that I can. Well for the missions part I'm still in limbo.. wonder what to do. But I've been thinking a lot of working in church.

    I shared on forgiveness at Staff worship.. and finally took a step to go to the shop after all this while... Its wierd cause i really don't know what to say and of course the folks didn't know either.. but...I'm just glad.

    God I really wonder why you'd put me through stuff... First you make me commit(ok you didn't) during staff worship infront of every one... and then next day I would see my pay..


    Saturday, August 16, 2008

    LCGC - Living Years

    Anthony Evans - Meaningless

    I love this song.... found it...

    John 14:6, "I am the way the truth and the life, No one comes to the father except through me."

    John Mayer: Say (music video from

    THought I'd share this.... Sometimes its best to admit we are wrong, cause its far harder to ask for forgiveness than to forgive... We know what we need to say... and its Sorry...

    Saturday, August 02, 2008

    i can't sleep

    I guess there are things to do... lotsa things to do actually.. but somehow am in no mood to do it... How do be faithful liddat? Gosh maybe I need to learn from scratch again.. man this is really screwed up. I need thee every hour... is even more real now...

    Friday, August 01, 2008

    Cleansing stream

    HMmmm... Censored you are in CLEANSING STREAM. Quick we better go through the various programs... , Maybe one should look at the link provided...

    Hey... won't you want to see what Grace has done to two of my good friends... hmmmm.. how come you don't want to come and deal with the family? Can you imagine.. it takes so long to be cleansed then how if Christ comes now??? quick better sign up quickly.. Die lah no time!

    Such foolishnness.. and now I'm being blamed for having a Religious Spirit!.. Quick Lord Jesus Set me free from such a spirit.. Your death is not enough, your blood.. (which needs to be prayed in order to cover us) then it is enough! Oh no.. quick I better pinpoint all my other sins out.. quick!

    Gosh.. isn't the church system a symbol of religiousity. It is ironic that... the whole thing mentions one of the character as..

    It prefers religious formulas, rituals and traditions rather than true hearfelt expressions.

    Doesn't that sound like...... the Methodist church, or perhaps even the various courses of cleansing stream itself? GO read the bulletin, there are even more wierd things.. like

    "It is unteachable and prideful, Its worship is prefuncotory and not from the heart, It produces religious repsonses without the presence or power of God"

    Hmmmm.. So by posting this blog.. it reveals the religious Spirit in me, but really I think the last point is so subjective. COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need to move on from this place... God I can't do this.

    some more thoughts

    Well.... the case on hand seems to be even more that... Melvin you don't know what you want... actually.. I don't know God wants.. I just want to be true, to be faithful, to serve God. Isn't that suppose to be the most important principles before anything?

    But yeh.. you are suppose to know which field to go to.. God calls you to a specific thing... etc. etc.... So. What does that mean.. maybe God does not call me... or hasn't. Tell you what maybe I should do what I love best. Be a taxi driver.. Maybe that will be good.... quit all this whole gigantic thing called church, and go out....