Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Friday, August 01, 2008

    Cleansing stream

    HMmmm... Censored you are in CLEANSING STREAM. Quick we better go through the various programs... , Maybe one should look at the link provided...

    Hey... won't you want to see what Grace has done to two of my good friends... hmmmm.. how come you don't want to come and deal with the family? Can you imagine.. it takes so long to be cleansed then how if Christ comes now??? quick better sign up quickly.. Die lah no time!

    Such foolishnness.. and now I'm being blamed for having a Religious Spirit!.. Quick Lord Jesus Set me free from such a spirit.. Your death is not enough, your blood.. (which needs to be prayed in order to cover us) then it is enough! Oh no.. quick I better pinpoint all my other sins out.. quick!

    Gosh.. isn't the church system a symbol of religiousity. It is ironic that... the whole thing mentions one of the character as..

    It prefers religious formulas, rituals and traditions rather than true hearfelt expressions.

    Doesn't that sound like...... the Methodist church, or perhaps even the various courses of cleansing stream itself? GO read the bulletin, there are even more wierd things.. like

    "It is unteachable and prideful, Its worship is prefuncotory and not from the heart, It produces religious repsonses without the presence or power of God"

    Hmmmm.. So by posting this blog.. it reveals the religious Spirit in me, but really I think the last point is so subjective. COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need to move on from this place... God I can't do this.


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