Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Monday, July 14, 2008

    A sense... of frustration.

    Perhaps.. just perhaps.. I've been thinking too much... somethings just pricked me over the week.. and over the month.. The first is the Methodist news letter.. After the aldersgate convention..

    It seems now that everyone is suddenly realising that worship.. is about service not just the music.. just because a certain Big guy said it.. So its become like a latest thing and everyone wants to do it. Sigh.. i've been saying that many many times... many many years back.. yet its been to no avail, having been slammed for even questioning what is worship. Why is there no consistency between what we practice and we are doing...

    The second perhaps is the entire YMLC thing... suddenly, the whole focus has shifted from all that fire, slaying, slaining nonsense to suddenly a sombre disicpleship.. Gosh why now? is this a fad? I'm still so put off by Pastor Wendy's crap... Please stop this deliverance nonsense... How much cleaner do you want to be? I mean all this stuff mentioned in YMLC this year is something which I have firmly believed in since it started.. why only now do they believe in it? BEcause I have no TTC degree, because I am not a pastor, becuase I am too young to understand...

    Well... that has been bogging me.. yet.. Why do I even care? I'm wondering why am I doing through this... SHouldn't I be so happy that things are changing, and that true worship is beginning, yet why am I skeptical...? Also shouldn't I be glad that the lord has shown all this to me before it began? Yet why am I sad... Maybe being misunderstood is a something i will have to live with... just like Jeremiah... Trust me....


    Blogger ALLIE. said...

    the gator delivers a weather report to the bear.
    hello MR BEAR. winter is coming...haha...dropping by to say HELLO(:

    10:50 PM  
    Blogger amazingbiscuit said...

    huh Winter? My dear Allie.... Its summer here....

    12:15 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    haha. i say WINTER is COMING...haha.

    8:49 PM  
    Blogger amazingbiscuit said...

    okok... then we can make more ice-cream in the snow.. Who wants snowmen anyway... haha

    11:29 AM  

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