Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Wednesday, September 28, 2005

    Tasting, seeing and doing...

    10/90, 30/70, 50/50/.

    What am I?

    Monday's small group was interesting and the message for me as well...Following along the lines of an undivided heart.. GOd showed me how much I'm submitting to him in obedience.. I think I'm only 30/70.

    I've been challenged so much in Hebrews Chapter 6..

    Indeed.. I've tasted and seen and I know that My Lord is good.. He has always been good to me. So why do I keep falling away.. I've learnt to trust that Jesus is just so good.. and that hope in him is more secure than any anchor in the world..

    "O come and mourn with me awhile,O come near to the Savior’s side
    O come together, let us mourn,Jesus our Lord is crucified.

    2. Seven times He spoke seven words of love;
    And all three hours His silence cried
    For mercy on the souls of men;
    Jesus our Lord is crucified.

    Chorus: O love of God! O sin of man!
    In this dread act Your strength is tried;
    And victory remains with love;
    Jesus our Lord is crucified!

    3. O break, O break, hard heart of mine!
    My weak self-love and guilty pride
    His Pilate and His Judas were:
    Jesus our Lord is crucified.
    O come and mourn with me awhile!

    4. A broken heart, a fount of tears,
    Ask and they will not be denied;
    A broken heart love’s cradle is:
    Jesus our Lord is crucified.
    Jesus our Lord is crucified

    And victory remains with love;
    Jesus our Lord is crucified!"

    Its written by Federick Faber.... in the 19th Century... He was a Catholic priest.

    I'm heading towards a very trying time.. leading this week and my focus and seems like i've been hit left-right centre. Which is why I'm really thankful that God is calling me to obedience because even if that is a very hard thing to do.. its going to keep me safe.. My emotions are getting hit quite a bit I must say...And someone's bearing the brunt of it..

    I've tasted love...its sweet.. Thanks Danny for the excellent reminder in the song.. "He is my everything" on Sunday...

    Dear Lord, You are my everything, you are my all, you are my everything both Great and small, you gave your life for me, made everything new, you are my everything, you are my all. Yes I've tasted and seen that my Lord is good.. Amen.

    Here the hymn....


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