Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Saturday, December 22, 2007

    Hong Kong confessions

    I love this shot... and I think Mr Chan wants it too.. That was really the most relaxed day in the trip... just hanging at Mr Wang's house and relaxing. I must say this trip is really a God sent... one which challenges me and although I must admit.. it was rather jarring to come back from Cambodia and all that (Speaking of which I'll update soon) and go over to HK. It nevertheless thought me very strong and important lessons. I've really been challenged to love... and the book... I'm reading now which is "Love in Hard Places" by D.A. Carson forces me to come face to face with the reality of love.. Its a tough read but definitely not as tough as the practice of love itself. I wish things had turned out better...

    The food was good and the shopping was rather interesting but the walks on the island were much better. God more pics but deb has them. As what Dajie said.. its the company, As what Doris said too.. its company.

    I'm just so thankful for huge doses of Grace each time... the ones so undeserved. I keep asking myself.. what is wrong with me... I really need to focus and pull myself together. I can only muster enough in me to say.. Sorry for the trouble I have caused.. the hurts that I have inflicted, the childishness Ihave shown and the love that I have for granted. Why does this love shown to me cause me to melt each time? Its because friends have a way of showing their heart and their ferventness in the expression of their love. Truly, my family as well, to talk things through.

    I just want to say thank you for your patience. I have not been perfect, yet how many times the line has reached out to me.. I am so grateful... I want to spend more time to treasure those around me. To learn to love inspite of the really difficult times I have to face.

    Christmas and shopping

    Gosh.. there is really so little time left... I'm still feeling rather sad at my mum's response to the things I've done. The gifts and all were rejected.. Even for Siping's case as well.. Why can't parents accept gifts as such.

    For my family..buying of gifts was compulsory and not giving gifts meant not loving... And very often anger in the process. Why? Thats why I hate days like birthdays, Christmas, mother and father's day. It seems that I have to buy at least 3 presents each every year. Gosh and really how many things does a person really need? I'm running out of ideas.
    Really very tired by her response. How can I win the argument? I mean change the mindset that giving of gifts does not mean a single thing. I'm seriously very frustrated at this point. I mean she told me to get a wallet in HK for my grand aunt because it was her birthday. S0 I couldn;t find any. She also asked for Handbag.. I am very sad because I really didnt' want to buy fakes and the rest really looked terrible.

    So I came back and bought the wallet and guess what she said. She was so upset. Feeling that I should have given an angpow instead. I mean come on.. I am the one giving.. Its none of your business. The wallet was the intended one wasn't it. And I am pretty sure this is better than any thing in HK. So what is the problem. I just blew 230 bucks on a handbag.. which I am pretty sure she will not like. And so its damn irratating. Why can't parents appreciate? WHy? Everything seems to be a big negative. I really thing I inherited this side from them and I really hate it all. Its such a struggle.

    Friday, December 21, 2007

    Giving , forgiving

    Tis the season for giving so they say… but it’s the receiver who places the expectations on the gifts. Gifts come with expectations and as always disappointments. Buying those biscuits, it becomes worthless because they don’t like it, they don’t appreciate it and well it becomes a waste of money. I’m really tired of giving to them. The expectations are raised so much. Some times I wish that all these pretense are thrown aside.
    Going to HK was meant to be a gift but it turned out… be a grossly misrepresented act of trying to love. Parents, how does a child repay his or her gift in her most frail state? We hardly knew you, we hardly know what you want, because you hardly knew us, and the distance that you have with us makes it so difficult to even try to know you. Does any one ever give thanks for trying anymore?
    And so when the power shifts and the children get older, the parents have no say. Just take a look at what I saw at ocean park. The lost and found was not the children, it was the parents left aside because they were too old take the rides at the park. You’d see the poor and the old (Mostly the same), living in the city trying to make a living.

    I’ve been reading a book of late, it says, love in hard places. Its not what some would consider and easy read, dealing with the clichés where people talk about the love, the sentimentality of it, the reality of it. I’m really struggling to love anybody and anyone right now, except maybe myself. What one gives of love, it is usually thought to be perfect. Yet, the result is usually one of imperfection where the recipient upset believes that whatever we have given was not the best. I always thought about thinking for others first, anticipating what others would think or do. Love however is not just mere niceties. The reality is this; We will always continue to receive imperfect love. It does not matter even if the intentions are perfect or not, we will view it badly. Of course there would be times that it matches, this I say for close relations. (Not necessarily, parents or family) Yet the important part of it all is the response which we give.

    When we give love, it is imperfect. Yet when we receive love, we can be perfect in our actions by treating it with joy, and as Philippians 4:8 whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
    Let us even receive the love given with forgiveness, that this act is really one of trying. The act in itself is the love given, not the give.

    For giving of gifts is imperfect, yet forgiveness for the gifts shows the understanding of the true act of giving.

    I’m going to try to love. Not just in the act of giving love, but the act of receiving love. I must say that I’ve learnt so much from this trip. A community of friends who really love. Differences are bound to be there, I’ve really been very selfish in my actions actually. Why am I not the first… the first to forgive, the first to love, the first to let others know that I am wrong. Imperfection. To be made perfect in Christ.

    Love always does its most impressive work in hard places. D.A. Carson