Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Saturday, December 22, 2007

    Christmas and shopping

    Gosh.. there is really so little time left... I'm still feeling rather sad at my mum's response to the things I've done. The gifts and all were rejected.. Even for Siping's case as well.. Why can't parents accept gifts as such.

    For my family..buying of gifts was compulsory and not giving gifts meant not loving... And very often anger in the process. Why? Thats why I hate days like birthdays, Christmas, mother and father's day. It seems that I have to buy at least 3 presents each every year. Gosh and really how many things does a person really need? I'm running out of ideas.
    Really very tired by her response. How can I win the argument? I mean change the mindset that giving of gifts does not mean a single thing. I'm seriously very frustrated at this point. I mean she told me to get a wallet in HK for my grand aunt because it was her birthday. S0 I couldn;t find any. She also asked for Handbag.. I am very sad because I really didnt' want to buy fakes and the rest really looked terrible.

    So I came back and bought the wallet and guess what she said. She was so upset. Feeling that I should have given an angpow instead. I mean come on.. I am the one giving.. Its none of your business. The wallet was the intended one wasn't it. And I am pretty sure this is better than any thing in HK. So what is the problem. I just blew 230 bucks on a handbag.. which I am pretty sure she will not like. And so its damn irratating. Why can't parents appreciate? WHy? Everything seems to be a big negative. I really thing I inherited this side from them and I really hate it all. Its such a struggle.


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