Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Tuesday, November 20, 2007

    The 5th day

    It rained.. like crazy this morning. We woke up at 530am. We worshipped and read the bible but still it continued. So we waited and sang. Cambodians simply love to sing. Shared my cereals with the folks and they found it weird but well. By 7am.. we decided to brave the rain, it was lighter of course and went through.. dirt trails. Muddy indeed. Traffic was thankfully not that bad. Reached school at 8. Took a long bath and settled to try to do some work.
    Lunch was instant mee for me. Not too hungry and well.. didn’t really feel like eating. Rested a little… went online and saw my friends. Didn’t do much in the afternoon. Tired but can’t sleep… By 4 I was at the library ploughing through readings. I really need to finish this up. The Sarawak team was here to cut the students hair. Even Doris cut hers. The Dogs are also becoming a little bit friendly. Nothing much on the whole as I joined them for dinner, I managed to know some of them.
    After dinner it was time for my lesson plan and I started to mug it down. Phew.. The most challenging is to spark interest and communicate but I think its possible lah. Overall it was good, or at least I hope. Tried to sleep by 11pm.. but sigh.. stupid mozzies. I covered all and now they bit my face and ears. The result. 1 hour of pure sleep at max. God keep me going... I'm really supposed to be enjoyng all this.. or maybe loving it.


    Blogger IChoose2FollowJC said...

    hello! hang in there. we are keeping you in prayers!

    12:13 AM  

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