Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Tuesday, July 24, 2007

    Vanessa Williams feat Brian Mcknight

    Love the breaks the chains...
    love aches for everyone of us..
    Love takes the tears and the pain.

    I've always loved the song...
    The LORD appeared to us in the past, [a] saying:
    "I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    I have drawn you with loving-kindness.
    Jeremiah 31: 3

    Monday, July 23, 2007

    I'm finally 27...

    i'm really trying... for this semester... I'd try to be the best... but how apt that the opening chapel's message is about grace...

    Tomorrow's my birthday and I'm not spending it with .... Oh well... here's whats it like to turn 27... I'm gonna try for one more year.. Suddenly I'm afraid.. just very afraid...

    Keep me going God... keep me going.. I just pray for that current uncertainty to be resolved soon.. Its going to give me a headache... Like for the past 4 semesters...

    On a better note.. it was a good time tonight to catch up with my family and Siping of course at Dinner.. Food was good as usual... Maybe cause I'm easily satisfied.. God Bless my parents for bringing me up and for making the birthday cake this year!

    A wonderful weekend

    School's starting tomorrow and what a weekend this was....

    finally had my share of chilli crab with the big black boy... and Siping of course.. I must say this was really fresh...
    Why do I always end up eating so much with them... terrible... Its a really nice place at Holland V. Then we ended up at this ice-cream place where most people are talking about... Gold Rock..

    Hmmm... Mich would probably have tried it.. We had two mixed flavours. bubble gum with gummi bears and caramel mudpie with violet crumble..
    It was well disappointing. Cause I think the ice-cream was that great.. but it was fun... And somehow the manager looked absolutely familiar..

    But well.... Aniwaes.... It was a great Saturday at Nana and SImon's place...

    I must say a big THANK you to everyone... here's some pics of the food...
    Simon's pasta... beef something.. haha..

    The Foccacia and the excellent dips from Siping... Yummy
    Hmmmm.... I'm blessed.. Very thankful to all who organized this... I'm so blessed to be able to enjoy this... And Siping... the game was very thoughtful.... (for the lack of the better word) and I was simply thrilled by the gifts.. more than that.. its just simple pure friendships...
    You know.... many years ago.. I kinda told God... sigh.. most of the groups of friends I have back in school have their own cliques and all and I'm just moving from group to group... Now I've found a bunch of people... Family I must say who walks with me.. Truely I say thank you to friendship... To every Single one of you.... I may not say it... but it just warms my heart...

    Monday, July 16, 2007

    Keep running... keep running...

    I went for my 5th run in 8 days... yes.. its crazy.. but they were not very long.. Let's see..

    Monday 3.2 km (18 mins 30 secs)

    Tuesday 3.2 km (17 mins 45 secs)

    Thursday 3.2 km (16 mins 30 secs)

    Saturday 4.2 km (28 mins)

    Today 5km (34 mins)

    Hmmm.. crazy.. yes.. but some how.. I'm beginning to enjoy it much more.. yes yes... it helps when you start to lose weight haha... Began to think about stuff.. about the people I've met.. and sure enough there are a long list of people who have actually ran with me... literally.. so here goes... in the order of most times running...

    1. UE ( I think 25)
    2. Siping (I think 15)
    3. Derek (5)
    4. Peng and Debbie (4)
    5. Simon (2)
    6. Flower, Wayne, Joan, (once each) =)

    So yah..... Of course life isn't about running literally... Thanks to those who have been pacing me too... For Mr Leong, Mrs Leong, Miss Leong and Miss Leong, For Adena, For Vincent, For Julie, For So many other CM people....

    And Mostly to you God.... the one who has provided for each and every of my need. Amen

    Pizza and poseurs..

    Hmmm.... I thought I'd better put this down.. for the sake of the ones we met who didn't try the pizzas we ate. haha..

    I've always loved the pizzas here.. and its run by a Christian too... Just here the songs...

    Delicious.. Had a good time with Jeremiah, Wayne and Sip.. simply chatting about stuff.. serious stuff and not so serious ones... Of course Our Dear Mr Chan had his ol' poseur look... I think its way better than the bandana yah?

    Yum yum... Oh I must add that.. it looks good lah.. I know I'll look terrible in it... no seh to carry it off...

    Speaking of Pizzas... I really am giving up on pizza hut.. bleah..
    And I suddenly remembered what I did on May 19 last year...
    IT was at SPIZZA... yum...

    Wednesday, July 11, 2007

    Maurice White feat. Kirk Franklin - September

    HA! HA! September...

    Tell me you remember... He is just a prayer away...

    Nick.. Check this out..

    Britain's Got Talent- Animated Choir

    Cast... You guys are really much better..

    Of miracles... (A response to a sermon I heard)

    I'm sad... just very sad... at the way things are heading.. heading for the church... Sigh..

    Are miracles the end to all things?

    Whats the purpose of miracles?

    Ask in faith.. there is no limit with God.. have greater faith?

    Sigh.. but thats where we are heading these days...

    Do miracles help? Think about it.. even the 10 plagues, the parting of the red sea, manna and quail from heaven? What happens? Do the people need great faith to have those miracles? No!!!

    But look at what they wanted.. they merely wanted the things and forgot who God was....

    Go ahead keep asking for miracles... I'm going to have faith in God's provisions... even if you say I have no power from God.. not a victorious life.. thats fine..
    Give me quiet confidence in the Lord...

    Monday, July 09, 2007

    Letting Go

    I really love Anthony evans. The songs have inspired me very much..

    "He knows where you are, he's been there too.
    When you can't hold on, he'll carry you through.
    When you're losing hope, he's still in control,
    He's never letting go."

    Hold on to God... He is faithful to the end..

    When I was 75

    I decided to put some really old pics up... pics of myself when I hit 75kg as a motivation for myself to loose weight..

    Just a relfection of the life lived over the pass decade I guess... Its been 10 years wow.. Seems like I've lost contact with many friends... but well.. I've got new ones.. Am I settled? I don't know... After the talk with Siping last night.. Many changes are going to come..
    Oh by the way thats me with my tail...
    There is a lot to be done... a lot of work to be done in me still.....
    All I can do is ask for more grace...


    A special thanks to the folks at Not So small... we succeeded in pigging out again.. sigh.. Since Yanqi and Michelle have written about Last week, I'd better write too haha.. I think my dessert was the best..

    Really.... It was the closest thing to waffles and ice-cream. The brown balls were balls of waffles in disguise with blobs of butter inside and yes... the vanilla ice-cream was heavenly..

    Hmmm. Siping's one was a bit wierd. I mean sea weed and red bean paste with rice cake? haha.. but it was quite sweet.. Very her..
    Shuyi's one was probably.. the best for a hot day... Goodness I better lose weight...

    Wednesday, July 04, 2007

    Weight, I'm Catching up with friends

    I've been up to quite a few things recently... Had and interesting trip to the Changi Naval Base for Siping's brothers passing out as SEA SOLDIER. Its a nice breezy place with lotsa ships (Duh..) but really, its quite disorganized.. Pity the poor folks who missed the bus because they did not want to wait.

    But well.. the navy is still the same... Wish, they'd treat Junyu better..

    Had some recording done too... Went to Poly Doz and I must say.. I really CANNOT sing Chinese songs.. sigh.. I really sound better life... And who says I say that Siping can't sing... She CAN! esp Chinese songs... Don't forget it was the voice that caught my attention...

    I'll post the song here soon...

    Caught up with more people too.. like Mr Lee... Gosh.. we always over eat once we get out... This is so bad.. Im heading pass the 70's.. I mean I'm over 70 kg... Always keen to try out new stuff with friends... Looks like I can't call you fatty any more.

    Eugene, I need to run soon... Its always good to catch up with friends...

    So more eating done at the Dew... Really want to thank the missions team for their really enthusiastic response in Cambodia.. And of course for Joni and Teacher GG for preparing the food.. It is the best BBQ I've ever had... Again.. more food.. But really.. such temptation is too hard to resist. HAha

    blessed are....

    Just 2 quotes based on the sermon of the mount Christianity Today's "Relfections"

    "It is really the poor in spirit who can, actually, have anything, because they are the ones who know how to receive gifts. For them, eveyrthing is a gift."

    Simon Tugwell, The Beautitudes: Soundings in Christian Traditions

    " Humility, or powverty of spirit, is not a matter of thinking low thoughts about ourselves. It is not a matter of grovelling in the dust. It is simply a matter of knowng ourselves as we really are. And when we see ourselves as we really are, we will see that we are poor."

    John W. Miller, The Christian way.

    Doesn't that strike you about a certain sort of Gospel? Gonna be really thankful...