Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Monday, July 23, 2007

    A wonderful weekend

    School's starting tomorrow and what a weekend this was....

    finally had my share of chilli crab with the big black boy... and Siping of course.. I must say this was really fresh...
    Why do I always end up eating so much with them... terrible... Its a really nice place at Holland V. Then we ended up at this ice-cream place where most people are talking about... Gold Rock..

    Hmmm... Mich would probably have tried it.. We had two mixed flavours. bubble gum with gummi bears and caramel mudpie with violet crumble..
    It was well disappointing. Cause I think the ice-cream was that great.. but it was fun... And somehow the manager looked absolutely familiar..

    But well.... Aniwaes.... It was a great Saturday at Nana and SImon's place...

    I must say a big THANK you to everyone... here's some pics of the food...
    Simon's pasta... beef something.. haha..

    The Foccacia and the excellent dips from Siping... Yummy
    Hmmmm.... I'm blessed.. Very thankful to all who organized this... I'm so blessed to be able to enjoy this... And Siping... the game was very thoughtful.... (for the lack of the better word) and I was simply thrilled by the gifts.. more than that.. its just simple pure friendships...
    You know.... many years ago.. I kinda told God... sigh.. most of the groups of friends I have back in school have their own cliques and all and I'm just moving from group to group... Now I've found a bunch of people... Family I must say who walks with me.. Truely I say thank you to friendship... To every Single one of you.... I may not say it... but it just warms my heart...


    Blogger mich said...

    LOL! Yes I know Cold Rock! We go there quite often (near to uni ;)) but it's not really that fabulous. I think it's just the novelty of having someone mix your ice cream (my fave was honeycomb) with bits of chocs (usually we go for cookie dough, brownie, or SNICKERS!!!) and the ice cream doesn't melt (cos it's on a cold rock)!!

    Island Creamery is loads better! :)

    1:02 AM  
    Blogger amazingbiscuit said...

    yes... haha I thought gold rock.. I see probably will be a fad... haha

    snickers yew...

    9:07 PM  
    Blogger mich said...

    I love Snickers! Especially the nuts! But Picnics are way better :)

    12:06 PM  

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