Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Wednesday, November 15, 2006


    Hmm.. its been a week.. of none stop reading.. somehow I've not been able to focus.. really much.. just want to stone.. I've been listening to a fair bit of music to distress.. which is good and not so good.. should be getting down to pray..

    Father.. I've been walking about in circles... walking about in circles around you..

    Father .. i need to walk in.. spiralling in.. but even more let me come on my knees again to you

    Anyway here are some photos of Sharon's wedding dinner.. of course the main stars in the pictures are me lor..


    But serriously was very touched when john's Dad gave thanks to the Lord for he was teh one who provided for John and his brother's to go through uni.. God is always faithful. The weekend was good in the sense of not getting work done but more because for the first time I cried buckets on stage... Pastor Alvin really shared god's word.. and it cut my heart.. beacuse ti was the message for the week and what i Preached in class.

    thank you my friends..

    Dajie, er jie, UE, Peng, John, Vincent B, Sally, Roger, Rachel, Sandra, And many others... My class mates.. my small group, the pnp team, I really felt the burden to just join in this community of love.. to pray.. Here is Christian community at its best.. Father thank you.


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