Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Tuesday, October 31, 2006


    So today I went to school. Had to sit down for my CE project on CE through the history. It was interesting… for CE is far more than methods. It struck me… “If the Education system in Israel was really that good… why did they fall” Perhaps we can consider this. How is Christian education effective? Perhaps the teaching in Church is good and there is learning. However with 15 minute sermons and 1 hr Sunday schools how much can this do? The real sphere of learning and what shapes a man is outside. If Christian Education is effective, the realm of learning would proceed even as the person leaves church to engage with God in learning in the world. Walter Brueggeman writes that we need to have a nurture that is commanded that produces adults who know so well who they are that they value and celebrate their oddity in the face of every seductive and powerful imperial alternative. In other words, out identity. Can you imagine a prosperity Gospel? Everyone rushing to claim a blessing? Its my right what… The Devil has no right to bully me. God says he will provide all my needs. What difference would that make for the many people who go to temples for 4D? The certainty of the promise of prosperity? Consider this.. Some temples are more favoured because they are more accurate. Some people go to churches because God’s prescence is more real. How do you measure that?

    Anyway.. We finished the discussion…. And I hopped along to Spinelli’s thanks to Germaine’s ride. I sat to write and type. Then I went down to the bay to sit. To talk to God … TO be quiet. But was just too tired. Too many thoughts. Like people pray too much but don’t do anything.. All that sort of stuff.. A friend called and we talked….

    I sat for a while till I saw that picture. then this guy came… His name was Jack. He started asking me about Sentosa and if he could walk there… Walk there!??!?! Er, no.. So I invited him to take a seat. Chatted with him and found out that he was from Qingdao.. He was here as a foreign exchange student doing his Hotel Management course at King’s hotel, being paid a paltry sum of $300 a month!. But well.. SO I took him to Zion Road Market, via the free shuttle service by great world City and we ate Char Kway Teow and Oyster Omelette. Nice…

    And talked.. I found out that he was a Christian but he does not say Grace.. It was not a practice or so he claims. And we talked about Taiwan and China. For me I’m pro-Taiwan… But he says something else striking.. If during the Qing Dynasty, part of Russia and all were conquered by China… why did China not want Russia back? Because they were not Han Chinese. But Taiwan is… They were Han Chinese whom they considered as brothers and sisters. I said though.. But they don’t consider themselves China Chinese… Race vs nationality…. How could war win the people over… Jesus never did… How could China consider Taiwanese brothers and sisters if force is used.. Won’t it mean killing your own? SO is the agenda for land or people… for if Taiwan become part of China but still consider them selves Taiwanese then China would have failed. Identity again… As a Christian … we are not part of this world…. What is our identity in a world which constantly assaults us..? They may take the land and our lives but in our hearts we are Christian..

    More reflection ahead… We talked about Buddhism.

    If we believe that doing good deeds is the way to achieve better life… then how does a tree do good deeds? He explained that if a tree fell on someone, it was a bad deed… the tree by giving fresh air is a good deed. I asked him.. does a tree have a will of its own.? If the wind blows and lighning strikes at an angle, surely, the tree would fall at an angleright? wouldn’t it? 10 out of 10 times. If not it would go against the law of gravity. So he answered that the man had bad karma. ???!!!?? The tree died also… the man died also. Does this mean that the tree was doing a good deed as a matyr to kill the bad man.. Then who makes the judge of morality?

    One thing is certain… God is Lord of all…



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