Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Thursday, October 26, 2006

    What a day..

    Hmmm... thats burnt caramel and revers'O for you.. yumm.. had a sweet tooth craving.. today I ate funny things... Duck feet, Chicken or Pork Liver (3 pieces, large ones ) haha.

    Took some time to spend with Derek, Wayne and Hannah to just play music. It was good but I've come to realise.. music is just music... Inspite of everyone who says I am good at it.. it is but a form. Nothing else.

    That was Tuesday......

    Today however Sat in class to listen to this guy from OMF, Dr Woods.. and he was sharing on Luke and Acts and the aspect of missions.. was sleepy as usually till he spoke about Major Taing Chhirc. The cambodian addressed the world on the plight of cambodia and great guys like Ravi came and sahred the message... And it reminded me of Paul and the macedonian.. fet my heart stirred..

    Then I got back and saw the email from Calvin chong.. I'm in trouble again.. cause I've been alte or a lot of classes... I really want to quite school... Its funny how I should give grace to my small group or those in church who consistently come late.. yet I'm bounded by institutional laws. How? I can;t finish my work and am trapped by this flu... Sigh.. I'm rethinking my path.. cause I may just fail..

    What do I do? quit....


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