Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Thursday, September 20, 2007

    Jim Brickman feat. Wayne Brady - Beautiful

    I really love this song.... and its dedicated to.....


    Why I don't want to see a counsellor...

    1. Why pay some one to hear? is it just a job they are doing?
    2. I want genuinity?
    3. Seeing a counsellor is akin to taking the first step? It is self help? Do they want to help?

    GOsh I'm behaving like Will....

    I feel like taking a long walk.. away... You don't have to find me unless you want to.. for even if you did, I'd doubt it... cause you were reading this...

    If you search for tenderness
    It isn't hard to find
    You can have the love you need to live
    But if you look for truthfulness
    You might just as well be blind
    It always seems to be so hard to give

    Honesty is such a lonely word
    Everyone is so untrue
    Honesty is hardly ever heard
    And mostly what I need from you

    I can always find someone
    To say they sympathize
    If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
    But I don't want some pretty face
    To tell me pretty lies
    All I want is someone to believe

    Honesty is such a lonely word
    Everyone is so untrue
    Honesty is hardly ever heard
    And mostly what I need from you

    I can find a lover
    I can find a friend
    I can have security
    Until the bitter end
    Anyone can comfort me
    With promises again
    I know, I know

    When I'm deep inside of me
    Don't be too concerned
    I won't ask for nothin' while I'm gone
    But when I want sincerity
    Tell me where else can I turn
    Because you're the only one that I depend on

    Honesty is such a lonely word
    Everyone is so untrue
    Honesty is hardly ever heard
    And mostly what I need from you

    Once again... Mr Joel if you please...

    Wednesday, September 19, 2007

    I'm frustrated

    Hmmm... am frustrated with my PCG.... its so... I don't know how to put it.. but a typical examp and scenario which we discuss deals with conflict. and the out come is this

    The person is either fired or asked to resign. The helping process is not there... no one bothers to find out what is going on. No one shows Christian Grace. (I put the word Christian because its not mere courtesy.) They don't bother to consider why the person reacts like that. BPs!!!!!!! arrgh

    To be fair.. I've got some got friends from there... but really... I just don't like the way things are there... Sigh....

    Also another thought came to me this time.. Suppose if some one asked you, why do you go to church? what would you say?

    Some might say because he has done so much for me.

    Some might say because he died on the cross for me.

    Some might say because I love him.

    What if I told you that for the first answer, you don't know what God has done for you unless you claim full sovereignty. (Which I suspect you don't)

    What if I told you that the second answer is cliche because, that is something we learnt in church too often and we do it week in week out.

    What if I told you that you don't really love God because time and time again we really screw up big time.

    Why then do you come to church? Well.... the simply reason... Grace... This is a place where the wounded meets...

    Hmmm don't know what I'm saying but well....

    Tuesday, September 18, 2007

    And so it goes

    In every heart there is a room
    A sanctuary safe and strong
    To heal the wounds from lovers past
    Until a new one comes along

    I spoke to you in cautious tones
    You answered me with no pretense
    And still I feel I said too much
    My silence is my self defense

    And every time I've held a rose
    It seems I only felt the thorns
    And so it goes, and so it goes
    And so will you soon I suppose

    But if my silence made you leave
    Then that would be my worst mistake
    So I will share this room with you
    And you can have this heart to break

    And this is why my eyes are closed
    It's just as well for all I've seen
    And so it goes, and so it goes
    And you're the only one who knows

    So I would choose to be with you
    That's if the choice were mine to make
    But you can make decisions too
    And you can have this heart to break

    And so it goes, and so it goes
    And you're the only one who know

    Been listening to Mr Joel.... You know that's probably how I feel. Took time yesterday to watch my favourite show of all time. Guess I'm very much like Glenn, really, I find it very difficult to express myself. But isn't anger just a form of expression as much as tears are?

    How do I share? unless I know some one wants to hear? I'm a millipede...I'm a cactus.. but i REALLY can't help it...

    Tuesday, September 04, 2007

    Its here

    I've fallen...

    Quite a bit.. things are better but maybe not...