Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Friday, October 17, 2008

    Sunday Bloody Sunday! (no More! No More! as Bono cries)

    What to say.. nothing I guess... Am I keeping my mouth shut? well I guess I would for now... (though this is not really a voice.) Why would I be doing this? Partly cause it is no use and no one would understand... what channels? But I'm doing this not because I really want this job.. because I still want to think about the kids first.. So Hence.. I shall not put anymore things up...

    So everyone.. have a happy Happy Christmas... Remember to give lots of presents, feast lotsa turkey, go on more holidays and enjoy all the Christmas Joy and Cheer!

    Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    This is it?

    Well.... the call was gonna come anyway.. So I kinda expected it. Always wondered and perhaps felt what Marilyn Manson (OOh no! How could you say that cursed guys name? that evil goth guys name? See he is propogating such vulgar people, such satanic person's teachings.) .. said in bowling for columbine is often true. when quizzed on what he would say or ask the two teens who did what they did, (Murder kill) He simply replied.. "No I wouldn't ask them anything, I will prefer to listen and hear them."

    Well.. Shouldn't bear my heart and my soul... but really he who has seen me... and seen the worse.. I'm not afraid. Actually There is a dying question which mr GL told me that I was going to rock the boat. BUt well.. lets rock it... You use recycled paper for a certain magazine which focuses on earth issues and tips on saving the earth, yet 1 great tip is left out.... Can you guess?

    Basically... whats up with fuel guzzlers like land cruisers and all that sort of thing? Isn't that worse? but well better not offend. "Those who can afford these, are those who cannot be offended."

    Also.. I guess Jesus can be whacked left right by pharisees, well cause they thought he was small and useless, but most people don't hit out at the big shots.. for fear of offence.. Well.. how?

    I'll let you know the result tomorrow about the blog... I may have to make it private.. looks like the adventures are coming to an end...


    I guess there are things to be thankful afterall, inspite of the grind of paperwork and all the bo liao admin stuff... And yes I want to Thank WC... really thanks for sharing.. it helped a lot... for my small group.. I can't believe it, Its been 5 years since I've been the leader of Not so Small, really you guys are a very great bunch of people.....

    Monday, October 13, 2008

    Maybe I can comment

    Its a start of a new week and how things change ever so quickly and I can just anticipate things happening even more. But first I'd better clarify myself.

    Most people ask me why am I so Jeremiahish, and If I really want to walk to road. Well.. I realise wished I didn't have to. because I rather the leaders see things. The point of Jermiah wasn't about him being this pitiful guy, its about.. God and the people. Jeremiah was only the one helping to speak. I don't think I am defaming anyone. I mean... why not you see things? I've been lamenting, very much like Psalms and the prophetic books. If you think I defame someone, why not go and check it out yourself? I am not perfect and saying all these things does not make me far superior than you, nor anyone. It is in the ALL verse. the verse which goes in Romans 3:23. (Most would rather quote John 3:16 or Jeremiah 29:13 which only serves to prove my point.)

    I think my words have hurt countless people, but they were said in love. (Don't tell me about the aftermath should be nicer.) People are inconsistent in their thinking and ideas far often jumping around and when quizzed further don't know what they are doing. Well, If anyone thinks I've offended, fine, you can sue me. But really what profit can you gain? Unlike the great leaders in the church, I am but a small fry, with no money of possessions, not that I intend to keep or know that I can keep. But if you persist, then do that. But I will not be afraid to be what a certain person is called, "Troubler". Perhaps Bono said, "Am I buggin' ya? Don't mean to Bug yA."

    Wednesday, October 08, 2008

    Roy Fields Lunatics for God

    Ha.. another crazy church... Remove the religious spirit. Can we? What's with all the jargon, wonder if we know what spirit of religion is., what shaking out, What's letting his glory fall.

    Kenneth E. Hagin and the Spirit of the Serpent

    Watch this.... what's revival? I think we shouldn't just jump on some plan and scheme and think it is revival. I really wonder what God said to MR Chan... really. I don't really don't think so, not because i have no faith but because that faith is not blind. Help us Lord....

    Actually help me.. I;m becoming more radical and upset. But I don't think I will stop bloggin all this.

    The Toronto 'Blessing'

    OK I found it.. Don't leave us to our foolish thinking? Gosh... now we have more animals in the church... Most people use that verse where David Danced as the principle verse to be crazy.... Well I guess this could support it.

    Tell me... are we going to eventually head that direction. I'm not interested in miracles, because they distract.. us from where we are suppose to be. Why does everyone ask GOd.. I want u in our lives. When in actuallity he is already there in our lives?

    The Carnival Church - A Toronto Blessing or Curse?

    hmmmm.... this was what I meant... am trying to find that clip on the lady howling to the moon. Because she said God told her to be crazy for the Lord.

    Monday, October 06, 2008

    God bless the people... nah the animals

    Take a look at the cut out from a website... Gosh... I wonder which church is doing this? Actually its obvious.. man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus Said.. " let the dogs come to me.. whoever dares to stop these creatures, it would be better for a millstone to be tied to his neck."

    OOps.. looks like a millstone is coming my way.. Wait a minute bring the dog and cats to worship in the santuary! cool.. and we can literally howl.. some of the churches.

    I hate...

    I really hate playing church... really really hate it.. CENSORED I hate formulas programmes and or those structure which all these people are doing.....

    The Power of Positive Confession

    There is only one... he is the Lord God Almighty.. You think "you" is powerful? You is but "me" in the second person and many "me"s equates to all. and what does God say about all? See Romans 3:23...

    No matter how much you call money, it is no use.. it won't come. Gosh I can't believe he ended saying what i say will come to pass.

    Jesus Christ Himself wants to visit you!

    I love this entry.... gosh... i prophesy that.. we will all meet Jesus... when he comes that is.. then you will know whether you are in heaven or hell.. Oh by the way... go check out the latest trac magazine and the article on the pastor who believes that cats go to heaven.. Its doesn;'t matter what the bible says.. its her belief which will make the cats go there..

    (No offence to cats.)

    Fire in the Night Internship

    A lot of jargon.. the man Jesus... a lot of intimacy? Is this a programme? Sigh.. ok.. try out?
    Change happening to earth? Gosh.. God works for us..

    Sunday, October 05, 2008

    Searched and found

    Hmmmm.. I'm being tracked.. just realised if I typed 3 words, my blog will easily be found. in the words of the famous punk theologian Bart Simpson.. "Deep, Deep Trouble." Ha.. But really I'm standing for what I believe in.. I mean are you not blind, Do you not see, can you not understand?