Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Friday, January 25, 2008

    If You Want Me To Cartoons - Ginny Owens

    But you said.. it would be easy, you only said I'd never go alone

    Sunday, January 06, 2008

    Summing up..

    And so... once again its over. Christmas and the new year...

    It was good to catch up with Jeremy and meet Dawn and of course with Not so small and my really close bunch of family friends. Other than that.. I've been reading a lot... bought some books and really exercised.. since the 22nd of Dec... I've ran 3 times, swam 4 times.. quite crazy I must say.

    Just did the run with Derek today.. and realised that this guy is going off for 6 solid years.. gosh.. its really scary.. when he gets back.. I'm 34.. and probably in Cambodia.

    Also.. am wondering what is next for me... Spent some time talking to Dajie. Sigh.. I'm struggling to be in this church.. struggling because of the teachings sometimes.. but I really gotta be faithful... church politics.. sigh.. Methodist? Methodism... The pastors do get most of the power .. not pointing any fingers.. and its not a case of I think I can do a better job.. (I know I am so going to be misunderstood for this). but really... is SBC really so bad? Dajie said it right.. my angst about this whole issue.. and really being supressed when it comes to speaking some really serious words. They would of course call this holy discontentment and say that I will eventually do something because I am in-charged here.. Hello.. God is.. not me.

    Sigh.. I really do sound sad ah? but well.. folks this of course is reality. I'm gonna have to work in church.. in CM? Yes.. why not? There is a strong feeling about this... THere is a secret joy. Unless God wants me to go in, get killed, push buttons, antagonise, sigh.. I'd better not. People are going to get hurt?

    On a lighter note... I really did enjoy the best present of all this Christmas and new year... Its the renewal of ties with my friends.. For the meals spent with My God sisters.. (Thank God for the dough fritters and porridge)

    For Peng... yes.. I'm glad we did talk it through and God for your important lesson on love... Thanks sister

    For my beloved not so small... the grace you've shown me has been a great source of encouragement. I do enjoy just chatting with the individual persons and fellowshiping with you.

    For my family friends... its so great to see you guys in church.. really livens up everything. I'm in a community.. and I want to be in it. For the LEongs, the wongs, woof, siewCheng, VinceHan, Lisa's parents, Mr Wang, J & J, Ms Julie,.

    For the three Mouseketeers and the worship team.. Thanks... You guys are really gonna make things happen..

    The Chan brothers and Mr Lee... Music.. is going to be missed without you guys... I truly enjoyed sharing and playing with you..

    My family... catching up with my bro... having meals with them..

    And lastly... with you.. this is really the shot of the year for me haha.. so funny.. the person who has such an intense obsession with a cat without ears.. thats you...