Amazingbiscuit, Amazing Grace

Following after Christ... is to give up everything in surrender... not because I'm forced to but because I love to.... I am convinced..

Location: N/E, Singapore

living to die...

  • Adena's Blog
  • CM worshipteam
  • Friday, May 25, 2007

    Of cakes, cars and couple of things

    Perhaps I'm Kinda bored.. yah.. but I just decided to blog to destress...If it doesn't make sense well sorry..

    Anyways I've , been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting over stuff... but well.. just in that mood.. Any ways.. it has been quite a cakey month for me.. several birthdays.. and i think the best cake has to be Mr SK Tan's cake.. Its the best.. The two cakes here.. well were spent with some one.. Please don't ever do what I did.. i.e. order the horrible.. capuccino cheese cake.. Yuck.. Even the great banana chocalate cannot make up for the wierd tasting cheese cake. It was finally good to be able to get a truck load off my chest... But well...Anyways.. Happy birthday to my friends.. The Si

    I spent the week trying to do my papers again.. but don't want to talk about it.. I also accumulated about 450km by road.. Thank you Lord for the beautiful weather to accompany me.. The BBQ was great.. Thanks Joan... the food was yummy, and the people always make my day...

    I wished I had taken pics of the second BBQ, I'm always touched by My sisters and the many things they have done.. Yes looking back.. life would sure seem strange.. More than the celebration.. I rejoice knowing that you guys have been so good to me..thank you.. Keep guiding me.. keep teaching me.. keep forgiving me...

    As with every celebration.. there are sad farewells as well... I've truly enjoyed more company in school... these days.. but alas.. its coming to an end... I kinda regret not being involved with orientation and school activities more but.. I'm just playing it cool... One can only do so much.. Thanks friends.. You've moved on to serve the Lord.. The field is wide.. the harvest is plentiful.. we'll meet some day soon.
    So thats about it for me... A lot more to blog but guess I'll stop here.. with once again another picture.. I'm just so thankful.... just so thankful... inspite of all my struggles... I'm just so so thankful... gosh.. I'm going to cry..


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